Thursday, July 19, 2012

Gawker to the New York Times: YOU'RE TRIVIAL, TOO!

Gawker, the snarky and frenetic teenage boy of the internet, isn’t afraid to pick a fight with grandpa. Last month, Gawker columnist DrewMagary (username: bigdaddydrew001) put the New York Times on the SHIT LIST for an article glorifying the Brant brothers, teen socialites who are known for exactly that much. 

The headline?  The New York Times Profiles the Brandt Brothers Because the New York Times HatesYou.” Magary makes no attempts to veil his disdain as he quotes large swaths of the Times’ society piece, followed by immediate mockery. Even the author’s biography is fair game.

Magary writes:

WHY IS THIS HAPPENING? Why would the New York Times, an entity that positions itself as a paper that reports on important shit, tell us about these fuckfaces?

Gawker’s not big on restraint. It’s big on sarcasm, four-letter words, and the kind of news that cloys scattered, distracted clicks from people seeking a moment of reprieve from their spreadsheets, hoping for a hit of something that will make them LOL.

But even bigdaddydrew001 knows that for all his histrionics, for now the New York Times is still the newspaper. It’s classic, if severe, but most importantly, it’s built a brand as a crucial, expansive source of information (and crosswords!).

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