Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Jonah Lehrer Resignation

Jonah Lehrer - Pop!Tech 2009 - Camden, ME
Jonah Lehrer / Flickr.com – poptech

As someone whose life is saturated with science news, it's been impossible to not notice Jonah Lehrer. I've read his work on The New Yorker and Wired, read about him at the New York Times and NPR, heard him contributing to Radiolab, and, finally, saw him speak a few months ago at First Fridays at the Natural History Museum.

As my buddies can attest, I was pretty excited to chat with Lehrer, particularly about the creativity in science education. I bought Proust was a Neuroscientist, got it signed, and spent the next few hours running about in jubilation (to be fair, the Grilled Cheese truck and getting to drink wine standing directly adjacent to dinosaur bones were also huge contributing factors to my ebullience).

A couple months later, news broke of the Lehrer Frontal Cortex self-plagiarism scandal, but I shrugged it off. Plagiarizing yourself… what does that even mean?

At the time, Lehrer pledged a renewed dedication to journalistic integrity; it wasn't going to happen again. Turns out, it was already too late: Imagine, the book that cost Lehrer his career this Monday, had already been published.

Michael Moynihan's Tablet article details the inaccuracies, fabrications, and contextual problems with the book's chapter on Bob Dylan, a story I personally heard Lehrer retell on stage and again on Radiolab. Most disappointing are Lehrer's lies to Moynihan, including inventing access to an unedited cut of a Dylan documentary that he now admits he never saw.

This is not a naive writer bungling a complex message, but a prolonged and deliberate deception and seems likely to overshadow much of the work he's done for years.

Now the web is abuzz with Lehrer's resignation from The New Yorker, and everyone's got a theory on the great unanswered question: Why?

Jayson Blair, another reporter whose career ended in a 2003 New York Times journalism scandal, shares with Salon 
I certainly understand that pressure. Once you’re young and successful, I think, in this profession you’re only as good as your last story — and you want every story to be better.

But Roxane Gay, in another Salon article, emphasizes the young-genius-boy-wonder rhetoric that shaped Lehrer's career arc. She doesn't give him too much benefit of the doubt:
There is hubris and there is hubris.
The tone of Moynihan's article is even.
Moynihan told the NY Observer "I didn't want to twist the knife." Still, he says,
More than anything, though, by the way, I’m completely fucking mystified as to how somebody who does this sort of thing thinks they’re going to go work at The New Yorker. Those fact-checkers are obviously notorious, and that sort of stuff wouldn’t be published there.
(Which raises a whole 'nother question.)
Lesson learned:

Thursday, July 26, 2012

LA Reserved

LA Observed is a hybrid of new media tactics and old-school tone. It does what every news blogger posting multiple times a day has to: LA Observed aggregates. In subtly bolded hyper-links, numerous media outlets are cited in the morning news round-ups, in addition to providing fodder for blog quotes directly responding to other authors (often with large blocks fromthe article source). Articles may also be significantly altered after publication, and are denoted with an asterisk for reader information.

The publication markets itself to those with a stake in LA history, business, and politics with greater emphasis on impartiality as opposed to the snark of many online-only publications (see: Gawker). Recent ongoing coverage on the city council’s decision on medical marijuana did not take a stance on the issue, in comparison to the more pro-marijuana coverage on LA weekly

By betting its success on the ability to build a recognized and stable brand, LA Observed is taking a unique route for local news. It's never going to be the Times, but its leg up is that it’s a one-stop shop for this kind of news for Angelenos, and it’s free.  

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Gawker to the New York Times: YOU'RE TRIVIAL, TOO!

Gawker, the snarky and frenetic teenage boy of the internet, isn’t afraid to pick a fight with grandpa. Last month, Gawker columnist DrewMagary (username: bigdaddydrew001) put the New York Times on the SHIT LIST for an article glorifying the Brant brothers, teen socialites who are known for exactly that much. 

The headline?  The New York Times Profiles the Brandt Brothers Because the New York Times HatesYou.” Magary makes no attempts to veil his disdain as he quotes large swaths of the Times’ society piece, followed by immediate mockery. Even the author’s biography is fair game.

Magary writes:

WHY IS THIS HAPPENING? Why would the New York Times, an entity that positions itself as a paper that reports on important shit, tell us about these fuckfaces?

Gawker’s not big on restraint. It’s big on sarcasm, four-letter words, and the kind of news that cloys scattered, distracted clicks from people seeking a moment of reprieve from their spreadsheets, hoping for a hit of something that will make them LOL.

But even bigdaddydrew001 knows that for all his histrionics, for now the New York Times is still the newspaper. It’s classic, if severe, but most importantly, it’s built a brand as a crucial, expansive source of information (and crosswords!).